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Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building on the APEC Collaborative Framework on ODR to Improve Cross-Border Trade in Indonesia - Final Report

COVER_223_EC_Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building
Published Date September 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 904
Pages 132
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The APEC collaborative framework for Online Dispute Resolution was launched in 2022. The framework has the potential to provide benefit for MSMEs in cross-border dispute resolution. Several member economies have declared opt-in to the framework and some of them have adopted the framework into their procedural rules. As one of the APEC member economies, Indonesia is considering opt-in. The study was then carried out by analyzing the conceptual and regulatory framework related to ODR, MSMEs, implementation in other economies, and lessons for Indonesia and other economies. Furthermore, the study result enables Indonesia to opt-in by considering important elements on an ongoing basis such as: (1) encouraging the adoption of the model procedural rules from the APEC collaborative framework for arbitral institutions and ADR; (2) regulatory revisions related to ODR and MSMEs; (3) personal data protection and confidentiality; (4) infrastructure improvement; and (5) human resources capacity building.