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Enhancing Green MSMEs’ Competitiveness for a Sustainable and Inclusive Asia-Pacific: Food Sector Waste Reduction in Food Supply Chain

Cover_222_SME_Enhancing Green MSMEs Competitivenes
Published Date November 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 1124
Pages 71
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The objective of this study is to examine the best practices, policies and actions of APEC member economies on reducing waste in food supply chains, in the context of promoting competitiveness for MSMEs. To fulfill this objective, four methods were used to collect and analyze the data. First, this study organized the APEC Workshop on Enhancing Green MSMEs’ Competitiveness for a Sustainable and Inclusive Asia–Pacific: Food Sector Waste Reduction in Food Supply Chain from 13–14 January 2022. Second, an online questionnaire was launched to collect food waste-related data in all APEC economies. Third, this study organized in-depth interviews with representatives of MSMEs and organizations regarding best practices for reducing food waste. Finally, this study reviewed literature, including from government reports and academic sources, documenting food waste reduction efforts in APEC economies. After synthesizing all of the information, the study yielded several key recommendations for reducing MSME food waste in APEC economies, which are presented in this publication.