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Trends and Developments in Provisions and Outcomes of RTA/FTAs Implemented in 2014 by APEC Economies

1660-Cover_Trends and Developments in FTA provisions (Final) 22Sep2015
Published Date September 2015
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 11848
Pages 36
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This report analyzes the general structure of six RTA/FTAs implemented by individual APEC economies in 2014: Australia-Korea; Canada-Honduras; Chile-Hong Kong, China; China-Iceland; China-Switzerland; and Singapore-Chinese Taipei. In addition, the report examines the provisions of the aforementioned RTA/FTAs in the Investment, Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Competition Policy and Environment chapters to identify possible common patterns or recent trends. Where possible, the report compares those provisions with the APEC RTA/FTA model measures endorsed in 2008 and examines the WTO-plus commitments included in those agreements.