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Regulatory Reform - Case Studies on Promoting Innovation

1563-Regulatory Reform - Case Studies on Promoting Innotation - Final Report 23Oct2014_Cover
Published Date October 2014
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 12105
Pages 99
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This report contains case studies that investigate the role of regulatory reforms and practices in the promotion of innovation. The case studies draw lessons and suggest policy recommendations based on APEC member economies’ experiences of implementing regulatory reforms to promote innovation.

The case studies cover three sectors in four APEC member economies, namely: 1) Patents and Utility Models in Korea; 2) Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials in Malaysia; and 3) Urban Water Supply and Management in Australia and Singapore. They were developed using a combination of critical literature analysis and semi-structured interviews. The OECD-APEC Integrated Checklist on Regulatory Reform and the Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) criteria discussed at APEC were used as the basis for regulatory analysis in each case study.