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Avian Influenza, WTO Negotiations and Regional Economic Development Significant on APEC Agenda

Singapore | 09 November 2005
Leaders, Ministers, Senior Officials and thousands of delegates from APEC's 21 Member Economies will begin a week of high level meetings in Korea this Saturday that will conclude with the Annual Economic Leaders' Meeting on November 18-19.
Agenda items for the meetings are likely to include the formulation of a regional response to a potential Avian Influenza pandemic and establishing a common position in relation to the upcoming WTO ministerial negotiations. Meetings are also expected to cover regional concerns relating to terrorism, energy prices and ongoing regional economic development.
The Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat, Ambassador Choi Seok Young, said the social and economic consequences of an outbreak of Avian Influenza are seen as a particularly crucial issue in the APEC process.
"An Avian Influenza pandemic has the potential to cause extreme harm to the people of our region not only through illness and death, but would also undermine businesses and cost jobs," Ambassador Choi said before the start of the meetings.
"If economies do not work together to share information and preparation strategies, the consequences could be dire for the region.
"Leaders, Ministers and Senior Officials will look at the challenges posed by a potential pandemic and seek a unified regional response."
Recommendations from the recent Symposium on Avian Influenza in Brisbane, Australia, will be presented to Leaders, Ministers and Senior Officials to aid in their discussions.
Ambassador Choi said the upcoming meeting of World Trade Organization Ministers in Hong Kong will also be an issue for the APEC meetings.
"APEC Member Economies account for around half of global trade and so have a significant collective voice in WTO discussions. Our Members will build on decisions by APEC Trade Ministers earlier in the year to provide substantial momentum to progress the current round of WTO negotiations."
The week of APEC meetings will begin with the Concluding 2005 meeting of APEC Senior Officials on November 12-13. Senior Officials from APEC's 21 Member Economies will cover issues that will then be advanced to Leaders and Ministers. The Meeting of APEC Ministers will take place on November 15-16 before the start of the Leaders' Meeting on November 18. Other meetings taking place in Busan include the meeting of the APEC Business Advisory Council on November 14-16 and the APEC CEO Summit on November 17-19.

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