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APEC-UNCTAD Workshop on Investor-State Dispute Settlement

1182-Cover_invest-state dispute
Published Date August 2011
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under CTI Sub-Fora & Industry Dialogues Groups, Investment Expert Group (IEG)
Accessed 20216
Pages 291
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The APEC-UNCTAD Workshop on Investor-State Dispute Settlement formed part of a series of core elements projects that were undertaken during 2010-2011 by the APEC Investment Experts' Group (IEG) in cooperation with UNCTAD. This series builds on the previous three phases of the "APEC IEG Core Elements of IIAs Projects" conducted in 2007, 2008, 2009 and the first half of 2010. Three activities of this series involve the preparation of studies on core elements, while three other activities are relevant technical assistance and capacity building projects.
This workshop is the third technical assistance component completed under this new phase of the core elements projects.
The report presents the above workshop outcome and speakers' presentations.
I. Outcome
II. Course Programme
III. List of Participants and Speakers
IV. Bio Notes of Key Speakers
V. Training Materials
VI. Speakers’ Presentations
VII. Economy Presentation
VIII. Photo Documentations