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Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusion in Digital Health Technology for Caregivers

Published Date January 2025
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE)
Accessed 97
Pages 35
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The health industry is undergoing digital transformation, and new technologies like health monitoring apps, telemedicine, and AI are being developed. According to the International Labor Organization, women are often primary caregivers, performing 80% of unpaid care work in the Asia-Pacific and making up 70% of global health workers. They are key users of these technologies. However, barriers like the digital gender gap and the lack of women’s perspectives in product design hinder their access. This project aims to promote gender equality in digital health technology development, focusing on the needs of caregivers to reduce their burdens and enhance efficiency.


This Summary Report contains summaries of the key activities of this project, which include findings from consultation interviews, a summary of a seminar and field trip, and policy recommendations from the aspect of (1) technology adoption by caregivers, (2) technology development and integration, and (3) cross-sector collaboration.