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Development of Information and Communications Technology-enabled Smart Hospitals

Published Date January 2025
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI)
Accessed 101
Pages 49
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The purpose of establishing smart hospitals through information and communication technology is to facilitate digital transformation in the APEC region, particularly targeting policymakers, research institutions, hospitals, and private sectors with an interest in digital transformation. To enhance the understanding of smart healthcare models among APEC economies' participants, the goal of this seminar is to share and discuss the applications and benefits of smart hospitals in healthcare systems, as well as address relevant challenges and issues. In addition, a site-visit will also be arranged to showcase actual digital healthcare solutions, allowing participants to gain a more direct understanding of various applications of digital healthcare. This will enhance their grasp of service models for future healthcare solution adoption. We expect this seminar to bring tangible benefits to healthcare professionals and individuals in need of precision treatment, while also promoting the modernization and development of healthcare systems in the APEC region.