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Establishing a Safe and Sustainable Future for Travel in the Better Normal - Compendium

COVER_224_TWG_Establishing a Safe and Sustainable Future for Travel in the Better Normal
Published Date February 2024
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Tourism Working Group (TWG)
Accessed 465
Pages 69
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The Compendium on the APEC Project on Establishing a Safe and Sustainable Future for Travel in a Better Normal, are comprised of three (3) fundamental principles that guided the Philippines’ proposal on the establishment of an APEC safe passage framework:

  1. Tourism is a Value Chain.
  2. There is no going back to the old practices rendered obsolete by the pandemic.
  3. The Better normal is characterized by safe, secure, serviceable, sustainable, and resilient Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry (TTHI).