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Status Report: Cervical Cancer Elimination in the APEC Region

Cover_223_HWG_APEC Cervical Cancer Status Report 2023
Published Date March 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Health Working Group (HWG)
Accessed 1243
Pages 25
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The Status Report on Cervical Cancer Elimination in the APEC Region is an initiative to understand current status of the goals included within the APEC Roadmap, including implementation of comprehensive HPV vaccination, cervical screening, treatment, and elimination programs within APEC economies.

The report aims to measure the progress of programs across the prevention and control continuum throughout the region. The report presents data on a regional basis, although economy specific information has been collected and can be used to develop specific capacity building activities.

The report is organized by different HPV and cervical cancer interventions, policies, and health system enablers. Each measure in the report is based on the goals and outputs/outcomes of the Roadmap. Spotlights from APEC economies share existing practices that can inform implementation and expansion of interventions and programs, and support progress towards meeting the Roadmap goals more broadly.