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Proposed Indicators for Monitoring APEC Collective Progress on EAASR

Cover_221_PSU_Proposed EAASR Indicators Report
Published Date January 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit, Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 1924
Pages 86
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The Enhanced APEC Agenda for Structural Reform (EAASR) is the latest iteration of APEC’s structural reform agenda for the period of 2021-2025, and reflects APEC’s longstanding commitment to structural reforms in the region. EAASR demonstrates both the importance of continuing to address the gaps identified in the RAASR Final Review and the urgency of responding to the new challenges amidst the evolving economic landscape. It also recognizes the important role of structural reforms in promoting inclusive and sustainable growth. In line with the spirit and intent of EAASR, the PSU has proposed a total of 28 indicators to monitor and report on APEC collective progress under EAASR. Sixteen indicators have previously been used to monitor RAASR and are still relevant for monitoring EAASR, while the remaining 12 indicators are newly-added and cover broad areas, such as digitalization, income inequality, and social protection. While the proposed indicators are not exhaustive and will not be able to cover every aspect of structural reform efforts, the updated list is relevant and fit for monitoring APEC’s collective progress under EAASR.