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APEC Oil and Gas Security Exercise in Chile

Cover_219_APEC Oil and Gas Security Exercise in Chile
Published Date December 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 1333
Pages 59
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This report presents the outcome of the Oil and Gas Security Exercise (OGSE) in Chile, jointly organized by APERC and the Chilean government through the Ministry of Energy on 13-15 March 2019. The OGSE in Chile was a ‘blind’ type exercise, in which participants are briefed about hypothetical supply disruptions without prior notice. The aim is to make the conditions of the exercise more similar to a possible emergency response with limited time and information. The report details Chilean responses to the two hypothetical emergency scenarios formulated, including comments and recommendations from the expert review team. The goal of this report is to contribute to the strengthening of Chile’s response measures, policies, plans, procedures and communication strategies to better face supply emergency situations.