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Law or regulation related to tariff and non-tariff measures applied to goods that are not newly-manufactured. Hyperlinks for Laws, Regulations, or other tariff or

non-tariff measures available on the internet.
Additional Information

(this could include a description of the economy’s trading regime concerning trade in goods that are not newly manufactured, whether the regime may apply to remanufactured goods, the applicable HTS codes for imports of goods under the regime,

and/or the duties applied to imports covered by the regime)
Australia does not have regulations in this regard. Nil Australian Customs follows HS standards for its tariff treatment of imported goods and currently has a very liberal system in its treatment of remanufactured goods. Australian Customs does not have a definition for remanufactured goods and does not specifically identify remanufactured goods at the border (except in the case of retreaded tyres as recognized by the HS).

Currently an importer is not required to make a declaration to Customs that the goods they are importing are remanufactured goods. However, it is possible that importers may be asked questions about used/second-hand products for quarantine or other border control purposes to allow clearance into Australia.

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