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The APEC Policy Support Unit (PSU) is staffed by a number of professionals. The specific size of the PSU will be determined on the basis of its financial resources and its tasks. As well as in-house work the PSU will manage technical work commissioned from external consultants. The PSU will also draw on expertise in international and regional institutions and member economies, including APEC Study Centres. The PSU will provide and coordinate assistance and analysis to individual economies on economic policy issues if there is demand for this and sufficient resources are available.

The PSU provides an opportunity to obtain hands-on experience in analysis of complex issues, research and policy development on issues which will contribute to increased living standards in APEC economies and the enhancement of trade and investment amongst them.

Staff recruitment is on a merit basis, and for citizens of APEC member economies. For the list of 21 APEC member economies, please click here.

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