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Initiatives from the Meeting

Finance Ministers meeting - convene a meeting of APEC finance ministers to discuss broad economic issues including macroeconomic developments and capital flows.

Pacific Business Forum - establish a forum comprised of two private sector representatives (including one representing small and medium business) from each APEC member to identify issues APEC should address to facilitate trade and investment in the region. The forum should present its report in 1994.

APEC Education Program - establish an APEC program to develop regional cooperation in higher education.

APEC Business Volunteer Program - establish a volunteer exchange program to promote human resource development.

Small and Medium Business Enterprise Ministers Meeting - convene a meeting of APEC ministers involved with small and medium business enterprises to discuss ways to improve the environment for the operation of these enterprises.

Investment Code - develop a non-binding code of principles covering investment issues.

Energy, Environment and Economic Growth - develop APEC's policy dialogue and action plan for conserving energy, improving the environment and sustaining economic growth.

Technology Transfer Exchange Center - establish a center to facilitate the exchange of technology and technology management skills among APEC members.