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Law or regulation related to tariff and non-tariff measures applied to goods that are not newly-manufactured. Hyperlinks for Laws, Regulations, or other tariff or

non-tariff measures available on the internet.
Additional Information

(this could include a description of the economy’s trading regime concerning trade in goods that are not newly manufactured, whether the regime may apply to remanufactured goods, the applicable HTS codes for imports of goods under the regime,

and/or the duties applied to imports covered by the regime)
1. Hazardous Wastes (Control of Export, Import and Transit) Act Link 1 

Goods Covered

Link 2

Link 3

Remanufactured goods are not treated differently from new goods in Singapore.

Under the Hazardous Wastes Act, which was enacted to meet the obligations under the Basel convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, there are specific requirements for the importation and exportation of used electronic and electrical equipment that may be deemed hazardous wastes by some Parties to the Basel Convention, for the purposes of (i) re-use, (ii) repair and refurbishment, and (iii) recycling and recovery. Such requirements include surveyor reports, proof of a ready market, contractual agreements with EEE manufacturers, and the availability of recycling and/or repair facilities.

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